As the old saying goes - A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
Years of study tell us that India has one of the poorest health records in the world - highest TB prevalence, every three out of four children have anaemia, and polio eradication is regressing. Girls are at a higher risk of being unable to access health care facilities and resources. And if this wasn’t enough, the mental health budget remains at 1% of the total health budget.
Children who are chronically undernourished before the age of 2 are likely to have diminished cognitive and physical development for the rest of their lives. As adults, they are less productive, slower at learning and earn less than their healthy peers and the cycle of undernutrition and poverty becomes a vicious circle, endlessly continuing.
With one of the best series of studies by CRAVIOTO et al. (Pediatrics, 1966, v. 38, 319) it was clear that the most severe retardation occurred in children who suffered malnutrition while under 6 years - could not even improve after treatment. While severely malnourished older children did recover after prolonged rehabilitation.
And still there are negligible services or official programmes for children with mental health issues. Children with disabilities, HIV/AIDS and mental disorders are stigmatised and hence have little access to health facilities and relief.
What we are doing
Such extreme lifetime effects of poor health care facilities has motivated Bucket List in working rigorously towards providing health care opportunities for children, adolescents as well as the rest of the community.Bucket List has been working in partnerships with multiple health care organisations like YouWeCan & Max Smart Super Speciality towards arranging regular health camps and prescribed medicine distribution to ensure constant checks of physical health of children and their families.

A quick glance
Here is a quick glance of recent health camps we organised at our Jasola community.

Help us sustain our efforts and make sure that healthcare is provided to every child effectively. Whatever you donate today, big or small, might give a child a better tomorrow, everyday, for years to come.